Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Bout of Books 12: Wrap-Up

Bout of Books 12 is officially over, and though I am very sad to see it end, I am very happy with my progress throughout the week.  Though my reading tapered off towards the weekend, I was able to more than make up for it in the beginning of the week, when my schedule was less hectic.

Goals Made

I wrote up a goal post before the whole thing started, so let's take a look at those:

Reading Goals:

  • Read at least 2 hours every day.
  • Read at least 1,000 pages.
  • Finish Dracula.
Blogging Goals:

  • Do a mid-way post and a wrap-up post.
  • Participate in at least 3 challenges.
  • Find at least 3 bloggers/BookTubers I enjoy, and subscribe to their content.
Goals Met

Daily Reading Hours

As far as my reading goals, though I didn't read a total of 2 hours every day, I did read over an average of 2 hours every day.  I was unable to do any reading on Friday, but my reading during the beginning of the week (like 7 hours on Monday) makes up for it.  I am going to count this as a goal achieved!

Pages Read

I read over 1,000 pages, so this is definitely an achieved goal.

Finishing Dracula

I did not finish Dracula.  I got caught up in The Mortal Instruments series and put the vampire classic down for several days.  I picked it back up during the weekend, reading from it exclusively, and I am now 74% done with it.


I did better than two posts this week, actually publishing a progress post every day.  


I did three challenges - Top 10 Recommendations, Character Coupling, and #insixwords.  Achievement unlocked.

Blogs Found

Ok, I utterly failed at this one.  I did find Laura Plus Books, but even though I looked through several blogs, I didn't find any others that really fit my taste.  A lot of bloggers read primarily YA or fantasy, and I already am subscribed to people who read similar books.  I am really looking for readers who are more focused on literary fiction or classics.  

I know that they are out there, but I think one of the reasons I'm having a difficult time finding them is because the people I am subscribed to didn't participate in Bout of Books.  So, even though they talk about people all the time, I couldn't count them toward this goal.  Also, since there are so many younger people on social media, the blogs and channels that get the most action are the ones by younger people, who are going to be predominantly interested in YA because it's their age range.  Which is fine.  I just need to look harder.

Bout of Books 12 Numbers

Pages read: 1,812
Books finished: 3
Hours spent reading: 26
Challenges completed: 3
Blogs/Channels Subscribed to: 1

And the final thing I did that I'm really proud of, though it wasn't a goal, is that I wrote a review of each of the three books I finished this week: Cassandra Clare's City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass.  I have a difficult time with my review turn-around time, so I'm really glad that I was able to do that.

And that concludes this Bout of Books.  I think I did really well.  How did the week of reading go for you?  Link me to your wrap-up in the comments below.

Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. You did great! The Mortal Instruments series is definitely a good choice for a read-a-thon, tons of pages + super quick and easy to read.
    I did better than I expected! Here's my wrap-up: http://loonythereader.blogspot.com/2015/01/bout-of-books-120-wrap-up.html
